lando update
Updates Lando.
This will update all the constituent components of Lando, including @lando/core
, @lando/cli
, and any Lando plugins you may have installed (ex: @lando/php
Note that if you have installed a plugin via source or a development version of a component you will not be able to update until you remove those components and re-install them. lando plugin-add
is good for this purpose.
Also note that you can set the release channel to edge
to get more bleeding edge updates.
lando update [--yes]
--channel Sets the update channel [array] [choices: "edge", "none", "stable"]
--clear Clears the lando tasks cache [boolean]
--debug Shows debug output [boolean]
--help Shows lando or delegated command help if applicable [boolean]
--verbose, -v Runs with extra verbosity [count]
--yes, -y Runs non-interactively with all accepted default answers [boolean] [default: false]