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Team Lando

SQL Import

Lando ships with a helper db-import script that is available in all our LAMP and LEMP based recipes. Used in the recipe context it should import a database dump into the recipe-provided database by default but can be used on additional database services as well.

You can also import databases into other hosts and databases. It will currently handle uncompressed, gzipped or zipped dump files.

This command will wipe out the target database before it runs the import unless you use the --no-wipe flag!


lando db-import somedumpfile.sql.gz

DB dump must reside within app directory!

Due to restrictions in how Docker handles file sharing your database dump MUST exist somewhere inside of your app directory. This means that IT IS A VERY GOOD IDEA to make sure you add SQL dumps to your .gitignore file.


# Import a file into the recipe-provided db
lando db-import dump.sql

# Import a file into an auxiliary second database called 'db2'
# with a db called `dataz`
lando db-import --host db2

# Import without destroying the target database
lando db-import --no-wipe

# Import using an absolute path
# NOTE: this is an absolute path in the target container, not on you host
lando db-import /db/

# Import from a subdirectory
lando db-import subdir/test.sql

# Pipe stdout into db-import
# NOTE: this is a bit finicky right now
cat dump.sql | lando db-import


  --host, -h      The database service to use                  [default: "database"]
  --no-wipe       Do not destroy the existing database before an import

Adding the db-import command

If you are not using one of our LAMPy recipes you can add the db-import command and default options to the 'tooling' section of your Landofile.

  'db-import <file>':
    service: :host
    description: Imports a dump file into a database service
    cmd: /helpers/
    user: root
        description: The database service to use
        default: database
          - h
        description: Do not destroy the existing database before an import
        boolean: true